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How to Roleplay a DnD 5e Eladrin
Learn how to roleplay a Dnd 5e Eladrin. Discover how the feywild warped these D&D elves into a unique and fun 5e race.

Candle Scents for Eleven D&D 5e Campaigns: Create an Immersive Adventure
Find enchanting scents to pair with your D&D campaign! Here are candles to pair with eleven 5e campaigns and sourcebooks.

D&D 5e High Elves… Arrogant, Graceful, or Both?
Learn about the D&D 5e high elves, an elegant (high DEX) and magical race that often feels superior to other races in role playing game.

Play the 5e Ranger? Heck yeah, its WAY Better than It Used to Be!
D&D beginners are naturally drawn to the 5e Ranger class. A lot of its problems have been fixed, making it the fun hero we all love!

5e Wood Elves… Living In, With, and Through Nature
D&D 5e wood elves love the bow, trees, and hunt and hate the plow, town, and war. Learn how to role play and create your next druid or range

The Artificer: D&D’s Newest Character Class for the “Science-Minded”
The Artificer is a 5e spell casting class that specializes in tools and magic items. Blend science and magic with the Artificer class.

New to D&D? Need to Cast Spells? Play the Simple, Suave, Sacrilegious Warlocks (At A Price…)
Easily the most unique class in Dungeons & Dragons, these slick-talking arcane masters are ideally suited for these types of players...

4 Spiritual and Religious Players That Should Build a 5e Cleric
The Cleric D&D might be for you if you want to explore fantasy religion, heal your party, turn undead, and perform amazing holy feats!

Four Shadowy, Sneaky, Stabby Players That Should Build a 5e Rogue
Players that want to sneak and hide in the shadows, strike with deadly sneak attacks, and dodge any responses … will love playing a Rogue!

Four Silly and Musical Players That Should Play a 5e Bard
The Bard is a spell casting class that is known for being funny to role play, support for the party, and full of artistic creativity.

Four Martial-Minded Players That Should Build a 5e Fighter
The D&D 5e Fighter is a simple class that deals lots of damage and can survive. Learn if you should play a fighter!

Spell Obsessed? These 4 types of D&D Players Should Create Wizard Characters
D&D 5e Wizards are the arcane masters of the D&D world: high intelligence, no combat abilities, and a spells for every situation!

4 Tree-Hugging D&D Players That Would Love Playing a Druid Character
The D&D 5e druid is a versatile class, able to cast spells and wild shape so they can fight, heal, scout, and more!

Four Rage-Filled Player’s That Must Create a D&D 5e Barbarian
Learn which types of players should play a D&D 5e Barbarian. Get ready to RAGE!

These Four D&D 5e Beginners Should Play The Sorcerer As Their First Character
D&D Sorcerers are the simplest of the spellcasting classes, providing limited but powerful spell options with the unique twist of metamagic.

These 4 Types of People NEED to Give the D&D 5e Monk Class a Try
Monks are a combination of spiritual and martial. They bend Ki to perform magic, sneak in the shadows, and fight hordes with their fists.

The Master's Path: A Beginner's Guide to Becoming a Dungeon Master
This Beginner's Guide to Becoming a Dungeon Master will help you'll get prepared to lead your own epic quests for a party of adventurers!

Roleplaying for Beginners: Bringing Your D&D Character to Life
Unlock your inner hero with our beginner's guide to roleplaying in Dungeons & Dragons. Learn how to create and roleplay your character.

Unleash Your Inner Hero: A Beginner's Guide to the Epic World of Dungeons & Dragons
Curious about Dungeons & Dragons? Learn all about this beloved role-playing game, and how to get started.
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